-Pets: Mario died. Atto started coughing and wheezing, so we went to the (very, very nice) vet. Turns out he has a suspicious lump in his abdomen and a heart murmur. Ugh. Swelling near the heart presses on his trachea, likely causing the trouble breathing. A diuretic (reduce fluid volume overall so heart works less) seems to be helping this. Dose is 30 uL (0.03 mL) for his “massive 440 grams.” He is extra cuddly lately. Pico is rambunctious as usual and has overcome his fear of the rat ball in order to roll around the house freely. Typical. Photos soon.
-Purified a tricky protein out of eukaryotic cells. It is slightly functional. Not bad for a first shot! Must repeat next week.
-Qualifying exam scheduled. Much reading and writing to do!
-Erratic Chicago weather makes dressing difficult. This morning was 43F, feels like 36. Had on tshirt, fleece and scarf. Slightly chilly? Yes.
-Halloween costume whaaaaat? Need to come up with something by tomorrow.
-Spent last weekend in Milwaukee with my guy. LCD Soundsystem/Hot Chip concert was high-energy and cool (though I was a little mopey from Mario). Lakefront Brewery tour was awesome. Cheap tickets got each of us: 4 beers at the brewery, free pint glass, and a free pint at a local bar. Nice.
-Halloween costume whaaaaat? Need to come up with something by tomorrow.
-Spent last weekend in Milwaukee with my guy. LCD Soundsystem/Hot Chip concert was high-energy and cool (though I was a little mopey from Mario). Lakefront Brewery tour was awesome. Cheap tickets got each of us: 4 beers at the brewery, free pint glass, and a free pint at a local bar. Nice.