1) I haven’t been sleeping much lately, so I’ve been too worn out to push nagging worries away. Today I am terrified that I am wasting my life. Although I love what I’m doing, I don’t know if I can do it forever. I feel compelled to somehow change the world for the better. I would love to make changes to science education in order to help people think through problems in a logical, evidence-based method. Use facts to investigate the world. “Better living through science!” or something equally corny.
(The obvious flaw is, of course, that in the modern era, it’s really difficult to separate facts from lies. Sometimes it’s unclear when the news is news and when the news is entertainment, and everyone is constantly spinning facts in a neverending PR-battle.)
(Nonetheless, I think a lot of situations could be partly resolved if we all sat down for a second and evaluated our thoughts and behaviors logically. Yes, this is “the pot calling the kettle black.” You caught me, now enough with the attitude!)
This may be the only scheme that I can concoct to "improve" the world using my current skill set.
This is one of the things that sometimes keeps me up at night.
2) I’ve been having weird, vibrant dreams lately, and I haven’t been able to shake them once I woke up. After a little research, the symbolism is alarmingly obvious. Wow, subconscious, thanks for the kick in the butt...
3) Brains are bizarre and incredible.