The weather in Chicago has been hot and sticky lately. It is so humid that walking more than a block outside leaves all your skin moist and uncomfortable. My walk to the lab where I work is a little over a mile, and frankly, I am starting to wonder why I bother to shower before I leave home, since I feel like I have just stepped out of the shower by the time I get to work. And don’t even get me started on my feelings about humidity and wavy/curly hair. Despite my best efforts, I have cultivated an intimidating, poodle-esque hairdo.
Fortunately, the sun sets eventually, and the lakefront breeze cools down the city a little. Our new home has a fantastic porch a little bit above street level. My roommate and I spent the night out on porch relaxing and lamenting the tribulations of graduate school.
Here’s our view. The people-watching is great here: there are all sorts of interesting characters in the city.

Bonus question: Can you find my roommate in the frame?
Bonus answer: Probably not. My camera took a hit (literally) at some point in the moving process, and the only way to adjust settings is to prod buttons indiscriminately until something happens. After that, editing on the computer has limitations. Hmmph. My roommate is on the far left, sitting on the ledge reading a book.
In other news, we are finally settling into our new home, or at least that’s what I’m going to tell myself. At the very least, the kitchen is cleaned and unpacked, which is really the most important part of the house anyway. The pets have acclimated to my room and are enjoying the extra attention from one of my roommates. More on that later.
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